Northern Railway Artificial Limb Centre (ALC), Central hospital, New Delhi is unique of its kind in Indian Railways and have paramount importance across the country in providing Artificial limbs (Prosthesis and Orthosis) and appliances and orthopedic rehabilitation products for the treatment of physically challenged Railway beneficiaries with clinical practice and gait training protocols. ALC of Northern Railway Central Hospital caters its service throughout Northern Railway and the patients from other Railways are also referred to this Centre for fitment of prosthesis and Orthosis.
This unique establishment had its inception in the year 1984 at Lajpat nagar. In the year 1995, this center was shifted to Basant lane, New Delhi for betterment of Railway PWD (Persons with Disability), other related patients and smooth administration. In the year 2007, this center has started providing high tech prosthesis and orthosis for the first time in the country in public sector with indigenous manufacturing system.
In 2011, this center has extended its services to other zones of Indian Railways and the patients are referred from their respective Railways with a debit note for fitment of high-tech modular prosthesis and orthosis with clinical considerations. For its excellence services towards the persons with disability, this center was awarded a TROPHY of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PROVIDER by Prosthetics and Orthotics Association of India in 2010.
The office bearers of NRPHEWA (Northern Railway Physically Handicapped Employees’ Welfare Association) have extended their helping hand to replenish this center from time to time in providing of administrative approach from Railway administration for providing world class high tech artificial limbs and appliances.
Services provided by Northern Railway Artificial Limbs Center( ALC), Central Hospital, New Delhi- At a Glance.
- Clinical evaluation of persons with disability (PWD) is done in this center for Northern Railway employees and their dependents and referred patients from other Railways across the country for Artificial Limbs (Prosthesis), Calipers and all types of orthopedics appliances.
- Clinical evaluation is done for patients with ailments of orthopedics, neurology and other health problems for appropriate assistive devices.
- This center provides all types of latest high tech. prosthesis and orthosis to the patients of Indian Railways with proper evaluation, assessment, measurement and casting.
- All types of high-tech prosthesis and orthosis are indigenously manufactured here with proper biomechanical considerations by the competent Prosthetic &Orthotic professionals.
- Proper training to the patients is provided to enable them to return to the main stream with all types of activities in daily living.
- Routine evaluation of patients is done here for the betterment of patients’ life with prosthesis and orthosis.
- Motorized and manual Wheel chairs, tricycles, Smart canes and rollators are distributed to the special need physically challenged patients after proper evaluation and assessment.
- Time to time PWD education and training programmes are conducted in this center.
- In continuing Medical Education program latest technology and clinical evaluation techniques are taught to the professionals by the experts across the globe.
- Persons with disability and impaired patients of orthopedics, neurology and other medical patients are treated here with proper care and sympathy.
Markanda Chandra Dash
Chief prosthetist and orthotist / Sr. Manager
Northern Railway central Hospital
Artificial Limbs centre, New Delhi
Contact no : 9717639521, 9818856906, 22820( Railway), 011-23367057(p&T)
E mail id :,